Why Are RV Showers Elevated?

Are you having trouble with your RV shower because it’s elevated and your head keeps bumping into the ceiling? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. So, why exactly are RV showers elevated?

Key Takeaways:

Most RVs have limited space, and the area where the shower is located needs to be utilized efficiently. By elevating the shower basin, the RV manufacturer can create additional storage space underneath for plumbing and other essential components.

Keep reading to uncover additional information about the raised shower basin and some pointers on how to lower the shower pan to avoid hitting your head against the ceiling while indulging in a rejuvenating shower amid the tranquility of the great outdoors.

Most Common Reasons Why RV Showers Are Elevated

#1. Space limitations:

One of the main reasons why RV showers are elevated is due to space limitations. RVs are designed to be compact and lightweight, and space is always at a premium. This is especially true in the shower area, where every inch counts.

By elevating the shower basin, the plumbing can be installed above the gray tank, which is typically located underneath the RV. This saves valuable space that would otherwise be taken up by pipes and plumbing fixtures. It also allows for easier access to the plumbing in case of repairs or maintenance.

Without the elevated shower, RV owners would have to make difficult choices about what to sacrifice in terms of space and functionality. By using an elevated shower, they can have a functional bathroom without sacrificing too much living space.

#2. Plumbing Requirements

Every RV shower has a P-Trap installed beneath.

Now to better understand, picture this: you’re driving down the highway in your trusty RV, and suddenly you realize you’ve got a nasty smell coming from the sink. What’s the deal? Well, without a P-Trap, that foul odor could be wafting through your entire rig.

So, what is a P-Trap? Essentially, it’s a curved section of pipe that traps water and creates a barrier between your RV and any nasty odors or gasses lurking in your plumbing system. The shape of the P-Trap allows for water to sit in the bend, which prevents any odors from passing through. See illustration below.

Installing the P-trap and other standard plumbing gear above the tank would take up too much space, so elevating the shower allows for the necessary plumbing components to be installed.

How To Lower RV Shower?

Lowering an RV shower pan can be a great way to add comfort and convenience to your RV experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you with the process:

  • First, remove the existing shower base from your RV bathroom.
  • Next, assess the height of the new shower base you want to install. If it’s too tall, you’ll need to cut it down to size. A jigsaw or circular saw with a fine-tooth blade should work well for this task.
  • Make sure to properly seal the area around the shower base before installing it. Use a plastic putty knife to remove any old sealant or adhesive from the walls and floor. Then, apply a new layer of sealant and/or adhesive to create a watertight seal.
  • If you need to modify the existing plumbing to accommodate the new shower base, you’ll need to do so at this point. You may need to cut or extend pipes, or install new fittings to ensure a proper fit.
  • Once the plumbing is taken care of, it’s time to install the new shower base. Carefully position the base in place, making sure it’s level and flush with the floor.
  • Use screws or bolts to secure the base to the floor of your RV bathroom. Make sure to use the appropriate hardware for the job, and tighten everything down securely.
  • Finally, test the new shower base for leaks and proper drainage. Turn on the water and let it run for a few minutes, checking for any signs of water escaping or backing up. If everything looks good, your new shower should be ready to use!

By following these simple steps, you can easily lower an RV shower basin and enjoy a more comfortable and convenient shower experience in your RV

How Much Weight Can RV Shower Hold?

Are you planning to hit the road and embark on a journey of a lifetime with your RV? Well, then it’s essential to know how much weight your RV shower can hold. After all, you wouldn’t want any unpleasant surprises while enjoying a refreshing shower in your RV.

On average, an RV shower can hold up to 400 pounds of weight. However, this is not a hard and fast rule, and it’s crucial to consider various factors to determine the actual weight limit.

The weight limit of an RV shower primarily depends on its construction, material, and the support system that holds it in place. For instance, a shower made of plastic or fiberglass may have a lower weight capacity than one made of metal.

Similarly, the strength and durability of the support system, such as the shower pan, walls, and framing, play a significant role in determining the weight limit.

But as a general rule, an RV shower can comfortably hold a weight of 200-250 pounds, which is the normal weight limit. This weight capacity is suitable for most individuals, but if you exceed this limit, it’s advisable to take some precautions.

If you are concerned about the weight limit of your RV shower, there are a few things you can do to ensure its safety.

First and foremost, you can install additional support, such as shower braces or a shower pan liner. These accessories can distribute the weight evenly and reduce the pressure on the shower walls and pan.

Additionally, you can avoid putting unnecessary weight on the shower walls, such as by using a shower caddy to hold your toiletries instead of hanging them on the walls. By taking a few precautions and being mindful of your weight, you can enjoy a refreshing shower while on the road without any worries.


In a nutshell, the elevated shower basin in an RV may seem like an inconvenience, but it is a smart design choice to maximize space and functionality. It allows for the necessary plumbing and P-trap to be installed underneath, while still providing a comfortable showering experience for most individuals.

And for those who may find the height of the shower basin challenging, there are solutions such as installing a low-rise shower pan that can greatly improve the overall showering experience. So, embrace the unique features of your RV shower and make the most out of your outdoor adventures. Happy camping!

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